The United Master Executive Council (MEC) of the Air Line Pilots Association, International is the governing body that represents over 17,000 United Airlines pilots. The MEC, related committee members, and professional staff work to protect and promote the careers of United pilots, concentrating on safety, pay, working conditions, benefits, and job security.

Family Awareness EVENTS


Our Leadership

Captain Brian Noyes joined United Airlines in January 1995. He is currently a 787 Captain based in IAH. Brian served ALPA in several roles including as the ALPA-I Flight Time Duty Time Chair and as a member of the Reduced Crew Operations Committee, Co-Chair of the IFALPA Fatigue Management Working Group, the UALMEC System Schedule Committee’s (SSC) FRMS Working Group Lead, an FAR 117 subject-matter expert, PBS trainer, pairing production subcommittee member, and as a member of the Central Air Safety Committee (CASC) serving as the Chair of the Crew Rest Oversight Committee. Brian and his wife Jenifer live in Houston, Texas.

Captain Nic Harwood joined United Airlines in September 2007. Based in Houston, he is currently a Captain on the A320. He has previously served as a local Grievance Committee member, Local Council 171 First Officer Representative and Vice Chair, and as a member of the UAL MEC Alliance and Scope Oversight Committee. Captain Harwood is married with two adult children and lives in Texas.

Captain Drew Minarcik began his career with United Airlines in November 2006 and is now a Houston based 737 Captain. He previously served on both the MEC Retirement and Insurance Committee and MEC Pilot Compensation Committee prior to his election as United MEC Treasurer in December of 2022. Drew and his wife J.J. reside in The Woodlands, TX.

What We Do

The United MEC is composed of member-elected representatives from New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Cleveland, Guam, Orlando, Las Vegas, and the Training Center in Denver. Local pilot volunteers form the backbone of our committee structure, and full-time ALPA staff round out our team with legal, administrative, and communications support.

As the formal collective bargaining agent for United Pilots, the MEC is charged with negotiating pilot contracts and promoting airline safety and security. ALPA’s motto, “Schedule with Safety,” guides the work we do every day. The initiatives of United ALPA volunteers have directly resulted in many of the safety features found in today’s modern aircraft and airports. Our contract, the United Pilot Agreement, became amendable more than 4 years ago and has not had scheduling provisions updated in a decade.

In the News

Press Releases

Our History

The beginnings of the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA) started with United pilots in 1931. United Captain Dave Behncke was ALPA’s first president, serving from 1931 until 1951. Under his administration, ALPA became a major presence in Washington, D.C., using its influence to secure legislation that made the airline piloting profession more stable and promoted safety in the industry.

Throughout the years, United pilots put on display ALPA’s “Schedule with Safety” motto. Always at the forefront of airline safety and security, United pilots have been trailblazers in ensuring safer skies for our passengers and a safer work environment not just for pilots but for all airline employees.

Today, the United MEC continues Captain Behncke’s legacy of involvement on Capitol Hill, promoting legislation that benefits the profession, advances airline safety, and enhances security.

Learn more about ALPA

ALPA Homepage


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(847) 292-1700




United Airlines Master Executive Council
9550 W. Higgins Road, Suite 1000
Rosemont, Illinois 60018

Air Line Pilots Association, International
7950 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 400S,
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 689-2270